How do you move forward after you have experienced a failure?

On Laugh Again, we bring you news you won’t hear on the news. Like the tale of a Kangaroo that broke into an Australian home and locked itself in the bathroom. I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go.

In San Antonio Texas, two thieves scooped a shark out of a tank at an aquarium and wheeled it out in a baby stroller disguised as an infant. True story. Thankfully, the thieves were identified on security camera footage, and the shark returned safely to bite another day.

In the “Come on you guys” category, a zoo in Egypt tried to fool visitors by painting a donkey to look like a zebra. The plot was foiled by a viral selfie. It wasn’t taken by the donkey, but by a guy who noticed that the stripes were running like mascara. He snapped a photo with the zebra imposter and posted it, exposing the zeekonk and his makeup artists.

In our final story, a koala found unresponsive at the bottom of a tree spent a week with Fauna Rescue before he was released back into the wild. Before long, the poor guy was hit by a car and the rescue people took him in again, nursed him to health and released him. Next, the clumsy koala was found with his head stuck in a fence. Fauna Rescue responded again, gave him a stern talking to, and let him go on bail. For now, the clumsy marsupial is back in the wild. The rescue people are standing by.

Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m a bit like that koala. Accident prone. Each time I get going, I find myself stuck in a fence.” Maybe you’ve given up. Decided to play it safe. To stop taking risks.

I’ve met some of the world’s most successful people. And surprise, surprise, most of them are like our koala. They’ve failed more times than they can count. But they never allowed failure to stop them. You see, a successful person isn’t someone who never fails, but someone who learns from their mistakes, tries again, fails forward.

Have you given up on a relationship? A dream? Would you prayerfully try again? Broken things can be repaired. Dreams can be restored.

Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” As we walk with God, He gives us the strength to press on with hope, believing that good things will come. So pick yourself up. Try again. If you get stuck in a fence along the way. Big deal. You’ll just be one failure closer to success.

Phil Callaway

Phil Callaway, the host of Laugh Again, is an award-winning author and speaker, known worldwide for his humorous yet perceptive look at life.

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