Life Hacks Is there a reliable source for a better life?

They call them “life hacks.” Clever shortcuts to better living. If your child gets gum stuck in her hair, remove it with peanut butter. Dust ceiling fans with a pillowcase. No mess. Remove sticky stuff with olive oil. Apply Preparation H to an itch and it’s gone. Also works on tick bites, wasp stings, and poison oak. So I’m told.

Here are some Laugh Again life hacks which you won’t want to try, but they should help you smile.

Rather than darning socks with holes in the toes, paint your toes the color of your socks. No one will ever know.

Don’t have a bookmark? Squirt mustard on the page. You’ll always find your place when you return.

Many claim that their hacks really work, but they don’t. Despite claims to the contrary, you can’t charge your phone by plugging into an onion or a watermelon. Charcoal coated in peanut butter and nuked in a microwave will not turn it into a diamond.

The ultimate source of “life hacks” is the Bible. I’m not talking about a quick kitchen fix, or better circumstances in 30 seconds, but a better, more meaningful life rooted in God’s presence, His forgiveness, His promises.

There are thousands of biblical “life hacks.” Three come to mind:

In John 10:10 (NIV) Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” By His life and death, Jesus offered us the greatest solution to our greatest problem, a rescue from eternal separation from God. He did what we cannot do: paid the price for our sins. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

Proverbs 3:6: “In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Following Jesus is a life-long journey of learning what pleases Him and doing it. He makes that clear in the Bible.

Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Need security, direction, and peace? Look no further. And ignore the voices around you pointing in the wrong direction. Like the hack that says, “Rubbing Vic’s Vaporub on your feet will cure a cold.” It doesn’t work. Maybe I’ll try Preparation H.

Phil Callaway

Phil Callaway, the host of Laugh Again, is an award-winning author and speaker, known worldwide for his humorous yet perceptive look at life.

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