Never Bet Against Prayer

With world events being what they are, I am reminded of a true story that encouraged me years ago, not to place bets, but to trust that our sovereign God will move in the hearts of men and women throughout the world.


Bob Hunter, a Washington, D.C. businessman, was a new Christian with plenty of questions. One day Bob asked Doug, a fellow Christian businessman, “Do you really believe what Jesus said in Matthew 21 about moving mountains when we pray?” “I do,” replied Doug. “I not only believe it, but I’ll make you a $500 bet. Bob, what do you know about Africa?” “Nothing. Monkeys swinging through trees.” “Then here’s the bet. I want you to pray for 45 days: ‘God help Africa.’ At the end of forty-five days, you judge whether any mountain has moved. If one has, you pay me $500. If not, I’ll pay you $500.” Bob laughed. And began to pray daily: “God help Africa.”


At a dinner, Bob found himself seated next to a woman who ran an orphanage in Uganda. He told her of the bet and before long, Bob agreed to visit the orphanage, where his heart was moved. Back home, he bought toys and clothes for the orphans, and returned for a second visit. Next, Bob received a phone call from the president of Uganda thanking him for the gifts and wondering if they could meet.


Arriving for the appointment, Bob found the president rushing out of his office. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Something has come up. Ride with me.” The president’s car pulled into a cattle stockyard—filled with men. “This is a political prison,” said the president. “But Mr. President,” Bob said, “it’s not right to have men living in such conditions. You must let them go.” ‘The president replied, “But they are my political enemies. I cannot let them go.” Bob insisted.


Back home he received a phone call from the State Department and met with the undersecretary for African affairs. “Mr. Hunter,” he said, “on behalf of the government, thank you for what you have done.” “Pardon me?” said Bob. “The president of Uganda recently released his political prisoners. We’ve been trying to get him to do so for years. He said he did this because of what you said to him. What exactly did you say?” Soon the Ugandan president called, asking Bob to return to Uganda to help him form a new cabinet for his country. In time, a close friendship developed between the two. After forty-five days of praying, “God help Africa,” God moved a mountain. And he moved Bob too.


In Matthew 7:7-8 (ESV) Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find.” I dare you to pray each day that you’ll see God do something big in your life. He may not answer in a way you’d expect. But don’t be startled if He moves a mountain like He did for Bob. The only drawback: Bob owed his friend Doug a cheque for five hundred dollars.



Phil Callaway

Phil Callaway, the host of Laugh Again, is an award-winning author and speaker, known worldwide for his humorous yet perceptive look at life.

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