Nurses in a long-term-care facility held a celebration for a resident on her 100th birthday. She was rather drowsy, so the nurse asked her, “Do you know how old you are today?” “No,” she replied. “How old am I?” “You’re 100 years old.” “Well,” the birthday girl replied, “no wonder I’m so tired.”
When you get a little older, the birthday cards get a little funnier, because everyone knows you need something to put a twinkle in your wrinkle. Here are a few favorites: “I’m sorry I called you old. I thought you knew.” “Just so you know, this card is your gift.”
Well, at Laugh Again, 2024 marks our eleventh birthday. I think you’ll find it interesting that less than 5% of radio shows make it this far, so I’m very grateful to people like you for your interest.
From day one it was our goal that the hope of Jesus would shine through every program. Our theme verse is Psalm 126:2 (NIV),
“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘the Lord has done great things for them.’”
Here are a few of my favorite listener responses.
Harold writes,
“I tell my friends the stories you tell. I often forget the punchline, but we get laughing so hard that many of them have started listening too.”
Jean says,
“We have five kids. We rarely miss a day of sitting at the breakfast table listening to Laugh Again. Our boys love your jokes. The program is making us more thankful as a family.” Thanks Jean!
Grace emailed this:
“Laugh Again helps re-center me on what matters most. Because of a storm that has entered our home, life is so tough. Each day you give me courage and remind me to move forward in God’s strength!”
Here’s a note that has made the last ten years worthwhile:
“You make me laugh, but sometimes I listen with tears running down my face. I came to faith in Jesus listening to Laugh Again.”
If ever you see a turtle up on a fencepost, you know one thing for sure. He had help getting there. I couldn’t possibly do this without our tech team, a group that prays, and without people like you who encourage and support this ministry.
Thanks for helping make this ministry possible.
And, a shout out to Isaac, who is 9. He likes to laugh at me. So he sent me this joke. “I bought an old stereo. My sister said I shouldn’t, but I think it’s a…sound investment.”
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