Turning 500


Recently on Laugh Again, we celebrated our 500th radio broadcast. And we have you, our loyal listeners, to thank. Well, at least most of you. I did meet a guy in Ottawa, who shook my hand and said, “You know, I listen to Laugh Again every day. I’ve had an image of you in mind.” Then he paused slightly and said, “I prefer that image.”

But I do want to thank the rest of you. And I thought it would be fun today to recount a few lines that have made listeners laugh out loud, or as they say nowadays, “LOL.” One young guy confided in me that he had just purchased a drive-thru coffee and taken a sip when he heard me say, “You know a man’s best friend is a dog, right? If ever you doubt this, try a little experiment. Lock your wife and your dog in the bathroom for about 20 minutes. When you open the door, see who’s glad to see you.” I am happy to report that the poor guy snorted coffee onto the inside of his windshield. Do they make windshield wipers for the inside of your car? They should.
Many of you have enjoyed my stories of the joys of getting a little older. You particularly enjoyed the line, “I’m getting so old I don’t even know what to wear anymore. I asked my wife, ‘Do I wear boxers or briefs?’ She said, ‘Uh….depends.”

Many have appreciated stories of my fifth grade teacher Miss Weismuller, the one with the bun in her hair too tight to allow her to smile. She’s the one who told me, “There’s a bus leaving in ten minutes. Be under it.” You may remember the time my five-year-old son Steve and I were passing a graveyard and he pointed out the window at a hole in the ground and a pile of dirt beside it, “Look Dad!” he said. “One got out.” That’s our reason for hope today. One got out – Jesus has risen.

Just before I got up to speak somewhere, a lady came over to me, tears in her eyes. She pulled up her sleeve and showed me the scars on her wrist. “Thank you for giving me hope,” she said. “I would not be alive without this program and your books.” God gets every ounce of credit. All I’ve tried to do is cheer people up, and point them to the only reason I know for hope. Jesus loves me. God sent his son into the world, not to condemn us, but to save us, to fill us with life and the hope of eternity with him.

If the message of Laugh Again resonates with you, would you consider becoming a Laugh Again partner? We love your laughs. But we need your prayers, and your support. Bless you, my friend. And go easy on that coffee when you listen.

Phil Callaway

Phil Callaway, the host of Laugh Again, is an award-winning author and speaker, known worldwide for his humorous yet perceptive look at life.

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